Testimonial »High-level lecturer approach, high professionalism. Experience cannot be denied. I recommend the Yellow Belt training for everyone. Surely everyone will understand and gain knowledge about Lean Six Sigma.« Jan Kňaze Procesní Inženýr, Enics Slovakia s.r.o.
Testimonial »The training was very beneficial and I would like to continue with Green Belt certification. I believe, that every employee should participate in the Yellow Belt training for a better understanding of a meaning of day to day tasks.« Miroslav Pražma AR Senior Accountant, CAMPING GAZ CS, s.r.o.
Testimonial »Thanks to the Yellow Belt training, I have learned a lot of new and especially beneficial methodologies. The instructor was careful and explained everything so as to take as much as possible.« Petr Legát Shift Manager, Velká Pecka s.r.o.
Testimonial »The best training I've completed. Theory has been lectured by an expert in the subject and supplemented by many practical examples and activities that help to understand and remember the topics. I strongly recommend the Green Belt training.« Tomáš Vlach Application Manager, ČSOB, a.s.
Testimonial »I really enjoyed the Green Belt training and I believe that I will use the knowledge in practice. I have to appreciate that such a comprehensive methodology was nicely spread within 6 days by the lecturer while keeping it fun and relaxed. Thanks to the real-life stories, videos and active discussion, I remember a lot.« Martina Plešingrová Lean Coordinator, KNORR-BREMSE Systémy pro užitková vozidla ČR, s.r.o.
Testimonial »I would like to thank you very much for the training of Lean Six Sigma. I did not imagine that the training would be so extensive and quite demanding, but thanks to the experience of the lecturer it was really great. Everything was beautifully explained, clearly graphically illustrated and spiced with excellent videos.« Martin Melichar Process & Quality Management team, BNP Paribas Personal Finance SA
Testimonial »I recommend the „Data analysis - Minitab“ training as the basis and improvement for working with this technology. It shows how to practically use the Minitab to facilitate data processing and analysis. They also allow laypersons to work with data so that the technologist can get the information needed to understand the process and to find the causes of problems.« Petr Pacholek Laird s.r.o.
Testimonial »During the training, I was clearly introduced to the principles of TPM. The training opened my eyes, especially in systematically looking for opportunities, improving processes, and learning new methods. Richard and Pepa are very experienced trainers and explain everything clearly. I recommend the training to everyone.« Miroslav Ernsc Lean Technician, Continental
Testimonial »Za mě super školení!!! Poutavé, přínosné školení s tématickými úkoly. Pro mě online školení lepší než dojíždět např. do Prahy. Pokud by bylo možnost i do budoucna dělat online školení, jenom výhoda.« Jakub Kráčmar Procesní inženýr, Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions s.r.o
Testimonial »Zúčastnila jsem se již druhého školení od ICG. Opět jsem byla velmi spokojena. Teoretické i praktické části školení kreativních technik byly výborně zvládnuté a lektoři měli profesionální přístup a vysokou odbornost.« Alena Vašíčková Koordinátor výrobních projektů, ADA International s.r.o.