Testimonial »Attending the Lean Line Design training was a significant benefit for me, even after more than a decade in the industry. The training revealed to me that efficiency and productivity in manufacturing processes does not always require full automation and showed me how our customer thinks. By applying the principles of Lean methodologies, I am able to find the right balance between fully automated and manual processes. In short, this training has shown me that the key to success is often less but smarter. Simply said, Lean.« Michal Čermák CEO Cermitech
Testimonial »Great training that opened my eyes and broadened my horizons again, and in a nice way of real simulation of the Traktormotive and not in a stereotypical way. Thanks to the involvement of the team that will be in charge of the new technology in the future, the local know-how will be used to the maximum and the team will learn to love what they have designed themselves in advance. I have to recommend this training because in my opinion it makes a lot of sense.« Vojtěch Herzán CERM / TOYOTA MOTOR MANUFACTURING CZECH
Testimonial »The training was an ideal mix of theory explained both from personal and internet sources by an experienced trainer, then verified and applied in a simulated game. The training was suitable for both novice Engineering members designing a process/line and advanced or experienced members with a refresher of known procedures or exchange of experiences with other members.« Michal Štěpánek Foxconn
Flamingo Inbound Messages 2025-11-18 Lean Pull Expert 1 Hynek Lepka Adient Czech Republic s.r.o., závod Kvasiny kristyna...