The method of Practical Problem Solving (PPS), based on the PDCA approach is a proven system for reaching organizational goals and assuring growth not only of your company, but also of your employees.

A3/PDCA – problem solving expert is a training, where we share information and skills which you will need for solving your problems in a logical, objective, structured and professional way.

Through explained and applied PDCA (Plan – Do – Check – Act) management cycle, will participants understand how important planning of their steps is and they will also truly comprehend the real principle of problem solving.

The Practical Problem Solving (PPS) topic will teach you how to structurally proceed through problem solving process and since the training forward to work without losing yourself in your own actions.

Within the A3 section you will learn how to correctly demonstrate your progress and knowledge of the situation through effective recording, visualization and subsequent communication with concerned groups.

Thanks to robust linkage between PDCA, PPS and A3 you will then be able to bring amazing results, supported by proper planning and a choice of such countermeasures, that solve the real core of the problem’s origin.

Our training will show you, how to become truly professional problem solver and how to start taking every newly discovered problem as an opportunity for professional, procedural, systemic and personal development.

What will the application of A3/PDCA bring to you?

  • Reduction of defects
  • Quality improvement
  • Shortening of process times
  • Reduced costs of running problematic processes
  • Development of people in solving problems – forever
  • Transparency of the process of solving company projects

PDCA - Plan, Do, Check, Act

You will learn:

  • You’ll get to know, theoretically and practically, all the parts of the PDCA management cycle as well as the process of Practical Problem Solving (PPS)
  • Identify, analyze, describe and solve problems
  • We’ll give you a set of tools and methods, that are going to help you understand the problem and to choose the right countermeasures to solve it
  • What to do, so the problem you solve will never appear again
  • Main pillars of A3 process
  • What’s needed for successful A3 application within your company
  • Why is A3 one of the cornerstones of Lean culture
  • Put together an understandable and easily sharable A3 report
  • We’ll also cover other topics like revision of A3, most common mistakes as well as coaching and mentoring, so you know, how to work effectively with A3 on your own and develop your problem-solving skills

Agenda of the training:

  • Defining the problem
  • Understand the PDCA cycle and the dismantling of its individual parts
  • Understand the Practical Problem Solving (PPS) process, its components, and how it all fits
  • 3 pillars of the A3 process
  • Theoretical explanation of creation of the individual segments of the A3 report related to the practical part
  • Teamwork shown on a practical example
  • Review, coaching and mentoring A3

Who is the training for:

  • Top and middle management, executives from the manufacturing and administrative environment, process and industrial engineers, master production and auditors.
  • But if you do not have experience with the PDCA, Practical Problem Solving (PPS) and the A3 management process within your organization, we recommended to send also a representative of management as a priority.

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